Cleanest Air on Earth [3 min JAPANESE #15 – Easy Learning]
CNN said scientists say they have found the cleanest air on earth.
It’s located over the Southern Ocean. The reason why there is the cleanest air is that the places is free from particles caused by human activity.
That’s so amazing, and I wish I could breathe the cleanest air!
Don’t you think so?
By the way, today’s 3 min JAPANESE is this.
How to say “the cleanest air on earth” in Japanese.
the cleanest air on earth
sekaiichi kireina kuuki
- the best on earthγβγδΈηδΈ (γγγγγ‘ / sekaiichi)
- cleanγβγγγγγͺ (kireina)
- airγβγη©Ίζ° (γγγ / kuuki)
Actually γγγγͺ (kireina) have various meanings such as
beautiful, lovely, pretty, clean, etc.
Let me share 2 kinds of phrase using γγγγͺ (kireina).
1.Β a clean roomγ(neat and organized room)
Β Β Β Β γγγγͺι¨ε±
Β Β Β Β Β kireina heya
2.Β a beautiful woman
Β Β Β Β γγγγͺε₯³ζ§
Β Β Β Β Β kireina josei
In English, you use totally different vocabulary in those 2 situations such as clean and beautiful.
But In Japanese, you can use γγγγͺ (kireina) for both of the situations.
By the way γγγ is Na-Adjective.
Na-Adjective has to be γγͺ when it qualifies noun.
So you need to put γͺ after γγγ
Please check the pronunciation of each word in YouTube video!