6 New Ways to Make Corn Dish – Revealing Secret Recipes!

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1. Corn & Shrimp Spring Rolls Recipe

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

・5 Spring roll wrappers
・2.8 oz (80g) Corn
・2 oz (60g) Shrimp
・1.7 oz (50g) Minced onion
・1/2 tbsp Flour
・1/2 tsp Soy sauce
・1/2 tsp Sugar
・Salt and pepper
・Oil for deep-frying

Shrimp preparation
・3% Salt water (If your shrimp are frozen)
・1 tsp Potato starch or Corn starch
・1/3 tsp Salt

・1.5 tbsp Rice vinegar
・1 tbsp Sugar
・1/2 tsp Doubanjiang (Chinese broad bean chili paste)*
・1/3 tsp Garlic powder
・A pinch of Salt
*Doubanjiang substitute: 1 tbsp Miso paste + 1/2 tsp Soy suace + 1 tsp Cayenne pepper powder


1. If shrimp is frozen, thaw them in 3% salt water. Drain water. Mix in salt and potato starch to remove smell of shrimp. Rinse shrimp in water. Pat it dry with paper towel, and cut into small pieces.

2. Put shrimp, corn, and minced onion in bowl. Add flour, soy sauce, sugar, salt and pepper. Stir to combine.

3. Cut spring roll wrapper in half to make triangles. Place corn mixture on wrapper, and wrap with water on end.

4. Deep-fry in oil for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown.

5. Mix all of seasonings (★) for sauce. Eat spring rolls while dipping them in sauce.

Ready to eat!

2. Miso Butter Corn Recipe

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

・9 oz (260g) Corn (An ear of corn)
・1 tbsp Butter
・1 tbsp Miso paste
・1 tbsp Mirin
・1 tbsp Ground sesame


1. Lightly water the corn. Wrap it in plastic wrap, and cook it in microwave at 500W for 5 minutes. (When cooking in microwave, leave only innermost skin and wrap it in plastic wrap. This way the flavor is not lost.)

2. When corn is cooled, cut it into desired pieces.

3. Spread butter in frying pan. Cook corn so that the butter is spread over corn.

4. Mix miso paste, mirin, and ground sesame in bowl. Pour it into pan.

5. Corn is ready when miso sauce is spread all over corn and browned.

Ready to eat!

3. Corn Ganmodoki (Deep-fried Tofu) Recipe

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

・4.5 oz (130g) Corn (Half ear of corn)
・4.5 oz (130g) Tofu
・2.8 oz (80g) Crab stick (Imitation crab meat)
・3 tbsp Minced green onion
・2 tbsp Flour
・1/2 tsp Dashi granules (Hondashi)
・1/2 tsp Soy sauce
・1/2 tsp Sugar
・Salt and pepper
・Oil for deep-frying

・Soy sauce (+ Rice vinegar)


1. Wrap tofu in paper towel and place weight on top. Drain off the water as it will be fried later. After 5-10 minutes, squeeze water out of tofu.

2. Cut corn off cob, and cut crab stick into small pieces. Put tofu, corn, crab stick, green onion in bowl. Add flour, dashi granules, soy sauce, sugar, salt and pepper.

3. Knead and form into round shape.

4. Deep-fry in oil for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Pour soy sauce (or soy sauce+rice vinegar) when eating.

Ready to eat!

4. Corn & Potato Pancake Recipe

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

・4.4 oz (125g) Corn
・3.5 oz (100g) Potato
・2 oz (60g) Shredded cheese
・1.7 oz (50g) Potato starch or Flour
・1/2 tsp Dashi granules (Hondashi)
・1 tbsp Oil

・Ketchup + Mayonnaise
・Soy sauce + Rice vinegar


1. Shred potato. Put potato, corn, and shredded cheese in bowl.

2. Add potato starch and dashi granules. Stir to combine.

3. Oil pan, and cook while forming into pancakes.

4. Cook 3 minutes on each side.

Ready to eat!

5. Seasoned Rice with Corn (Takikomigohan) Recipe

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

・5.3 oz (150g/1 go) Rice
・4.5 oz (130g) Corn (Half ear of corn)
・0.75 cup (180ml) to 0.83 cup (200ml) Water
・1 tbsp Sake
・1/2 tbsp Soy sauce
・1/2 tsp Stock powder
・A pinch of Salt
・1 tbsp Butter

・Black pepper


1. Wash rice. 0.75 cup (180ml) to 0.83 cup (200ml) water in rice cooker.

2. Take out 1.5 tablespoon of water, and add sake, soy sauce, stock powder, and salt. Stir to combine. Put corn and corn cob.

3. Cook rice same way you cook regular rice in rice cooker.

4. When rice is cooked, add butter and stir. Sprinkle black pepper as you like.

Ready to eat!

6. Corn Tempura Recipe

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

・5.6 oz (160g) Corn
・2 tbsp Juice from a can of corn or Water
・3 tbsp Flour
・1 tbsp Potato starch 
・Oil for deep-frying


1. Mix corn with juice from a can of corn, flour, and potato starch.

2. Deep-fry in oil for 3 minutes on each side. Sprinkle salt when eating.

Ready to eat!
