AMAZAKE miso soup recipe

Last modified date

Have you tasted Amazake? Amazake is a fermented rice drink made out of malted rice and rice.

You need to warm up the mixture of rice gruel and malted rice, then ferment them to make Amazake. (There are several different ways to make it though).
It gets so sweet and little bit sour in the process of fermentation. Amazake has not only sweetness but also various type of vitamins and amino acid. So some people call it ”a drink of nutrition supplement” in Japan.

When it’s really cold in the winter hot Amazake is the best for making my body warm and the sweet tastes gives me energy.

I want to use this special drink for miso soup recipe today. I hope it’s going to be great combination of two fermented ingredients!

【Recipe (2 servings)】

1 oz miso paste (fermented soybean paste)*1
1 teaspoon dashi granules*2
4 oz amazake
1.5 oz sliced pork belly, Cut into bite-sized
2.5 oz daikon, Cut into long thin strips
2.5 oz Chinese cabbage, Chopped
1 oz carrot, Cut into long thin strips
1 oz green onion, Sliced
1.7 cups (400ml) water

*1 Feel free to adjust the amounts of miso paste to your liking.
*2 If miso paste already contains dashi, don’t need dashi granules. I use miso paste containig dashi this time.


1. Heat water and all of vegetables in a saucepan for 5 min.

2. Add pork belly and dashi granules simmer until pork color is changed.

3. Add amazake and warm up for 1 min. Then remove from heat.

4. Add miso paste and stir until miso is completely melted.

AMAZAKE miso soup
AMAZAKE miso soup

Ready to eat!

This is unbelievably sweet and delicious!! The savoury amazake is extremely great seasoning now.
I think it’s wonderful combination of two fermented seasonings: Miso paste and amazake!

(If you think it’s too sweet, add hot water and miso paste).

Enjoy your miso soup!
