[Yodare Dori] Cold Chicken with Addictive Spicy Sauce Recipe
The best spicy chicken dish at Chinese restaurant is this, “Yodare-Dori”!! (We call like this in Japan).
Boiled chicken breast is nice and soft, and spicy and rich sauce definitely stimulate your appetite.
The style (the looking and taste) of Yodare-Dori could be different depending on the restaurant, and I introduce my secret recipe for it today by using great miso paste!
Ingredients for this recipe are a lot, so if you have hard time to get them completely, just arrange with similar thing.
【Recipe (4 servings)】
● 12 oz chicken breast, Sliced in half
● 1 tablespoon chicken stock powder
● Water for boiling chicken
■ 4 tablespoons black vinegar
■ 3 tablespoons soy sauce
■ 3 tablespoons sesame oil
■ 2 tablespoons sugar
■ 1 tablespoon miso paste (fermented soybean paste)
■ 1 tablespoon chili oil
■ 1 tablespoon sichuan pepper
■ 1 tablespoon white sesame
■ 1 tablespoon sesame paste
■ 1 tablespoon grated garlic
■ 1 tablespoon grated ginger
▲ 6.5 oz tomato, Thinly sliced
▲ 4 oz bean sprout
▲ 4 oz cucumber, Shredded
▲ 2 tablespoons peanuts, Crushed
▲ 2 tablespoons green onion, Minced
Put tomato, bean sprout, and cucumber on a plate. Then put chicken, and pour sauce on the chicken. Sprinkle green onion and crushed peanuts as you like.