Green Onion Dressed with Vinegar & Miso Recipe
I am big fan of the taste of “sweet and sour” made from vinegar, sugar, and various kinds of seasonings.
But sometimes my husband doesn’t like too sour taste from vinegar.
For those people who are not so good at vinegar, today’s recipe could be very tasty food… (My husband said that this is easier to feel good taste of vinegar).
GREEN ONION DRESSED WITH VINEGAR & MISO is very simple dish that you will need only green onion as main material.
And the original dressing is nice and sour, at the same time it’s sweet.
It must give you a good appetite!!
Actually mustard paste did great job to add excellent flavor to the dressing.
I really liked this pungent taste of mustard. It’s not a lot but just the right amount for it.
I hope many of you guys can enjoy this refreshing appetizer!
More recipe with the combination of miso and vinegar… This is very tasty meat recipe!
【Recipe (2 servings)】
3 oz green onion, Chopped
●1 tablespoon miso paste
●2 tablespoons sugar
●1 tablespoon vinegar
●1/2 teaspoon mustard paste