It has been very very… and very hot in this summer in Japan!
There is almost no rain these days, and even the northernmost part of Japan, Hokkaido is as hot as Tokyo.
When super hot days last so long, we need some cold dish to make our body cool down.
Cold somen noodles are actually the best lunch (or dinner) for such season!
Perhaps many of you guys have already known about the dipping sauce for Japanese noodles: “mentsuyu” (salty-sweet dipping sauce made from soy sauce, dashi stock, sugar, and so on).
I would like to introduce an arranged sauce using this mentsuyu and miso paste today.
The special sauce gives you crunchy texture of fresh cucumber and great flavor of sesame!
I’m sure you will love the delicious combination of mentsuyu and miso paste.
Please enjoy the refreshing sauce with noodles!!!
γRecipe (2 servings)γ
5 oz somen noodles
5 oz cucumber, Thinly sliced
1/2 teaspoon salt
β3 tablespoons grated sesame
β1 tablespoon sugar
β2 teaspoons miso paste
β0.4 cup (100ml) mentsuyu (noodle soup base)
β0.8 cup (200ml) cold water
1. Boil somen noodles according to the package. Then drain the noodles using a strainer, and wash them with very cold water well.
2. Sprinkle salt on cucumber, and stir well. Leave them untouched for about 10 min until water is released from cucumber.
3. Wring the water out of cucumber.
4. Add β seasonings to the bowl, and stir well. (Make sure miso paste is melted perfect). Dish up somen noodles a plate. Pour sesame-miso sauce in a bowl, then please eat somen noodles dipping the soup.
Ready to eat!