As I made SIMMERED CHICKEN & DAIKON WITH MISO last time, sugar is the key to create delicious miso sauce.
As well as sugar, spicy seasonings and miso paste are definitely compatible.
What kind of spicy seasonings do you like? Today I want to introduce Chinese chili bean sauce for the recipe. Chinese chili bean sauce is not that spicy and it can make the dish rich with punching effect.
Simmered daikon tasted great but stir-fried daikon is also very tasty and you can still feel daikon’s texture: little bit chewy.
If you like really hot food, I recommend to use more Chinese chili bean sauce!
【Recipe (2 servings)】
3.5 oz ground meat (pork, beef, or mix)
9 oz daikon, Thinly quarter sliced
2 tablespoons green onion, Thinly round sliced
1.5 tablespoons miso paste (fermented soybean paste)*1
1.5 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon sake (or white wine)
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon Chinese chili bean sauce
1 teaspoon dashi granules
1/2 teaspoon ground garlic
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
*1 If miso paste already contains dashi, don’t need dashi granules. I use miso paste containig dashi this time.
(If you prefer heated green onion, stir fry it too).