Thick Deep-Fried Tofu & Daikon Simmered with Dried-Bonito Shavings Recipe

Last modified date

Simmered dish might sounds difficult to cook or sounds like you need long cooking time, but my recipe is absolutely EASY & QUICK!

My husband loves the simmered daikon that absorbed the taste well, so I often cook simmered daikon dish with miso.
Using a lot of daikon is healthier too, and you can actually add any kind of meat or tofu as a main material.

I like to use pork and chicken for this recipe, but instead of meat, I picked thick deep-fried tofu this time.
Please feel free to pick your favorite ingredient!

One more thing that I tried as a new style is using plenty of dried-bonito shavings.
Dried-bonito shavings are generally used for toppings. But it actually does great work for simmered food.

The step is very easy as I told you before, all you need is putting them in the saucepan then heat up.

In order to utilize maximally dried-bonito shavings, I used slightly more soy sauce than miso paste.

Please enjoy amazing stock from plenty of dried-bonito shavings!!

Recipe for simmered food:

Recipe for cooking with thick deep-fried tofu:
THICK DEEP-FRIED TOFU miso soup recipe

【Recipe (2-3 servings)】

9 oz daikon, Cut into bite-sized
7 oz thick deep-fried tofu, Cut into bite-sized
0.1 oz dried-bonito shavings
●1 tablespoon soy sauce
●1 tablespoon sugar
●1 tablespoon sweet sake (mirin)
●2 teaspoons miso paste


1. Heat daikon in a microwave for 3 min in advance. Then put them into a saucepan.

2. Mix all of ● seasonings in a bowl.

3. Add thick deep-fried tofu, dried-bonito shavings, and mixed seasonings to the saucepan.

4. Put a lid on the pan, and simmer on low heat for 3 min.

5. Stir well, and simmer again for 6 min with the lid on. It’s ready if daikon become nice and soft. Sprinkle green onion to your liking.
(It’s also good to let it rest overnight in fridge, so that the taste will soak in.)

Ready to eat!
