Two Types of Japanese Curry Rice to Easily Grab Your Health

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1. Japanese Style Butter Chicken Curry

Ingredients (2 servings)

・Rice (as much as you want)

・1 oz (30g) Butter
・2 cloves of Garlic
・5.3 oz (150g) Onion
・7 oz (200g) Chicken
・7 oz (200g) Canned tomatoes
・1/4 cup (60ml) Milk☆
・1/4 cup (60ml) Heavy cream☆
・2 pieces of Curry roux (Japanese brand)☆
・2 tsp Ketchup☆
・1 tsp Miso paste


1.  Melt butter in a pot, and stir-fry garlic for a bit. When you can smell the garlic, add onion. Stir-fry for about 10 minutes.

2.  Add chicken. When the surface of the chicken is cooked, add canned tomatoes. Simmer while crushing the tomato and stir well.

3.  Add ☆, and dissolve the curry roux well. Simmer for 10-15 minutes.

4.  Check the taste, and add miso paste to finish. Dissolve miso and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Eat over rice.

2. Shrimp Curry

Ingredients (2 servings)

・Rice (as much as you want)

・5.3 oz (150g) Shrimp (with shell)
・A pinch of Salt and pepper
・A pinch of Garlic powder

・3.5 oz (100g) Onion
・1 tsp Minced ginger☆
・1/2 tsp Minced garlic☆
・1 tbsp Oil☆
・1 tsp Butter☆
・1.3 lb (600g) Tomatoes
・1 tbsp Curry powder (S&B brand)★
・1 tsp Cumin★
・1/2 tsp Garam masala★
・1/5 cup (50ml) White wine◇
・2 tsp Ketchup◇
・1 tsp Sugar◇
・1 tsp Soy sauce◇

・1 tsp Salt
・1 tsp Butter


1.  Pan-fry the shrimp with the tails and backs removed. (Use a little oil as needed.) Season it with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Take it out once.

2.  Put ☆ in a pan, and stir-fry onion with them. When the onions are candied, add ★. Mix well and add cut tomatoes. (Remove the tomato skin beforehand.)

3.  After crushing the tomatoes to some extent, add ◇. When the water content has reduced and the mixture has thickened slightly, add salt and butter to taste.

4.  Return shrimp to pan and warm for 1-2 minutes. Eat over rice.
